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How to protect your home's value

Posted December 6th, 2021 by SimpliSafe

How to protect your home's value

Getting your first home (or second or third, for that matter) is a big milestone in anyone’s life. It’s a big investment, and once you settle in, you want to make it completely yours. Something else you need to think about is your property’s value; but more importantly, how to protect it. We’ve got some tips on how best to do just that. 

Keep pests at bay

Unfortunately, many of our homes fall victim to pests and termites, so it’s incredibly important to keep on top of them before major damage occurs. It’s about being proactive and not getting complacent. You may have some small pests, but they can actually cost you a lot of money if you let them wreak havoc. The tricky part is that once you’ve started to notice any, the chances are that they’ve already caused some damage. That’s why you need to be quick to react. Preparation is key, so make sure you know about your local pest control companies in case you need their services quickly. You should also take a ‘prevention is better than cure’ approach, and get your home treated for termites regularly before they can cause any damage. 

Tidy house, tidy mind

Second to keeping pests at bay is making sure the house is always clean and in good condition. We know this isn’t always easy, especially if you have children! But if you have a shared cleaning rota in place, that should help. You don’t want to leave things to build up, like dirty dishes, dust, and grime, creating a perfect environment for nasties and pests to settle in. You should also schedule in regular deep cleans, making sure the whole home is looked after, even those forgotten-about nooks and crannies.     

Maintenance is key

Ensure you have a maintenance schedule set up. Life can get chaotic and busy, which makes it easy to forget about the maintenance of our property. By having a schedule in place, you can plan regular checks to keep on top of the maintenance, spotting any signs of weakness, damage or rotting. You can start by making a priority list of what needs mending first (if anything does), and decide on what needs checking weekly, monthly, or annually. This will help you keep your house in order and good repair, avoiding any huge costs from poor oversight.  

Make sure there’s curb appeal

Does your home have curb appeal? Yours doesn’t have to be the grandest looking property on the street, but just making sure it looks fresh and appealing will certainly help. For instance, is the guttering looking shabby? Are there any broken fixtures and is the exterior clean? Maybe the windows need a freshen up. Impressions are everything, so if the outside isn’t looking attractive, potential buyers will be put off, wondering what else is unappealing inside.    

Roof review

One of the most important yet overlooked assets to check is the roof. You need to check for leaks, but you also need to prevent them. Check the materials to work out the longevity and if you can, find out when it was fitted. It’s best to contact a professional to review it.     

Home security

If you make an effort with home security, this could also add value. For instance, any property with driveway gates is going to impress. Giving potential buyers an option that has more security is going to give your home that competitive edge on the market. You could also invest in a better home security system too. And when it comes to deciding on wireless alarm systems vs wired systems, it just depends on your preference. With a wireless system, you can set it up yourself in minutes - all you need is a WiFi connection. This makes it so handy for if you need to move, as you can easily take your base and any connected devices (like a home security camera and alarm sensors) with you because they’re all wireless.  

Right insurance coverage 

Having the right insurance in place is crucial, especially if you live in a particularly high-risk area. For example, is your property in an area that’s prone to floods? Maybe the crime rate in your area is off the scale or has increased significantly recently. If so, these factors are all going to play a part in your insurance policy. It’s always better to be protected in case the worst happens. 

Check the plumbing

Plumbing is a big issue for property owners. As soon as you spot any warning signs, you should take action. As tempting as it may be to ignore things - because if it’s still doing the job, it’s fine right? - you’ll harm your home in the long run, and who knows how quickly things can go south? By getting things sorted straight away, you’ll save money by not letting it escalate into a huge disaster. 

Renovation goes a long way

Who doesn’t love a passion project to keep boredom at bay? But those DIY renovations can actually impact your home’s value in a positive way. Whether it’s an extension or an internal makeover, anything you invest in will be added to the overall value. And if it ever comes to you having to sell and move, showing off all the hard work you’ve put in will definitely help with the selling price.   

Handling neighbour disputes

Another thing to think about in relation to your property’s value is neighbour relations. Are they a nuisance or very loud? Do they make living there a hassle? Not only that, there’s other disputes to think about. For instance, are plants growing and moving onto your land that should be sorted by your neighbour? Is there a shared fence that needs to be repaired? Whatever the issue, it’s always best to nip it in the bud as soon as possible to avoid future complications, or letting it build into something too hard to handle. So it is definitely worthwhile building on your neighbour relations. If you’re struggling, we’ve got a little guide here on how to be a good neighbour.  

Seek advice from professionals

Don’t forget about those who you can get great advice from. Speak to estate professionals to learn about all the ways you can improve your property’s value. You don’t just have to speak to them when you're listing or buying. An estate agent may be able to spot things you have missed. It’s also a good idea to contact a home inspector for them to analyse the structure of the building.   

If you’re looking to renovate your home through an updated security system, then you’re in the right place. Contact SimpliSafe today.